Ranking in at second most popular color-stone, the ruby has its story to tell. It’s only color it naturally originates with is red, however rubies will often have a pinkish/orangish ting which deceases the value. Like the Sapphire and the Diamond, rubies have certificates as well. However, they stand certified by a company named “GRS” devoted to rubies. Habitually understood as the stone of romance and frequently presented as an intimate, personalized, valued gift at Valentine’s day. In the vital depts of Myanmar, Mon Hsu has been producing
rubies throughout the 1990’s and soon after developed the title of the world’s principal ruby mine. There are a few different types of rubies. With Vivid Pigeon Blood red and Burmese rubies at the top of the quality scale, we have some of the finest stones on display. Leaving you with endless cut’s and sizes to mingle upon.
Green…not only home to the great outdoors nature, green also plays an important roll in Gemstones; as it is the true and only color of an Emerald. If green is your color and you’ll go the extra mile for the style, the Royal Emerald is the stone for you. Emeralds date far back to 1500 BC in Egypt. This made it a favorite in the later years for Queens. They often wore it as a sign of luck, or sometimes for its spiritual meaning bringing freshness and new beginnings to those around them. However, the expense of a good quality Royal Emerald is not for the lighthearted and is usually quite expensive. Although there are lighter, sometimes cloudier Emeralds with a lower price, the sought-after classic can go up to $50,000 and higher depending on how many of your dream Emeralds have acquired on the earth. The Emerald is also one of the most fragile stones available and must be handled with extreme caution and complete care to avoid shattering this work of art.
At this point you may be confused when I explain to you the origin of the padparadscha. The padparadscha is a type of Sapphire that is pink. Pink Sapphires, however, are different than padparadscha’s. This can get confusing when you’re on the hunt for one of these, trying not to confuse one with the other. The only true difference between the two is that a padparadscha holds an orange-ish ting to it’s pink, while a pink sapphire is strictly just pink alone. They are extremely rare and can be quite costly. At $6,000-12,500 for a good quality 1.50 Ct., the padparadscha is ranked one of the rarest and most expensive stones on the market.